White Elm Solar Farm
A brighter future for Suffolk
We are currently in the early stages of preparing our proposals for a solar farm and battery energy storage system (BESS) within the administrative area of Mid-Suffolk Council, on land north of Mendlesham.
If White Elm Solar Farm is developed, it would generate enough clean electricity to power in excess of 60,000 typical family homes every year in its operation. The solar farm would assist in tackling the climate emergency and help the UK Government reach its target of net zero emissions by 2050.
On 29 October 2024, we requested an Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Opinion from the Secretary of State. Our request was accompanied by a Scoping Request report which sets out our current position as to the information to be provided in the Environmental Statement which would be submitted with an application for development consent. The Scoping Request may be viewed on the Documents page.
The Secretary of State written opinion as to the information which must be presented within the Environmental Statement was published in December 2024. The Scoping Opinion helps to inform the development of the project.
Who are we?
Elmya RPC UK Grange Road Limited is a joint venture between Elmya Energy and Renewable Power Capital Ltd. Elmya Energy is a renewable energy developer that aims to connect over 5 GW of renewable energy projects over the next 5 years in Europe. They focus on solar energy and storage, and more recently green hydrogen. The experienced team at Elmya has successfully developed more than 10 GW since 2008 and is currently developing over 4GW in the UK. Elmya Energy’s owner-operator investment partner, Renewable Power Capital (RPC) was established in 2020, with the backing of CPP Investments, one of the world’s largest pension funds.It was launched to invest in onshore renewable energy and storage projects across Europe, providing unique finance solutions for different markets. Their mission is to accelerate the energy transition while delivering stable returns to investors and improving local communities.